Russian wooden icons Europe Archive

Russische Houten Ikonen Te Koop – MG9333 Russian Four Field Icon

Please, if you have any questions, contact me here. MG9333 Russian Four Field Icon In the upper part The Mother of God of Feodorovsk, (the Christ child has one naked leg), flanked at both sides by a Saint. In the field beneath two Bishops Blasius and Medost, patron Saints of the cattle and SS. Florus

Antique Russian Wooden Icons: 031 Icon of Aaron

.   031 Icon_ Russian icon from an iconostasis depicting the prophet Aaron, second half 17th century, 6x50cm   The prophet Aaron is here depicted with a twig of an almond tree. We can find this symbol of new life back in the book Numeri 17, verse 23. This icon once was part of the