Antieke Russische Houten Ikonen Archive
11 Jul 2015
Old Russian Wooden Icons Amsterdam 005 The Mother of God of the Burning Bush
. If you have any questions please contact me here. . 005_Russian icon – The Mother of God of the Burning Bush This complicated iconography is based on Moses vision told in Exodus chapter 3. The Mother of God is depicted holding the Infant Jesus, placed in a star with 4
05 Jul 2015
Antique Russian Wooden Icons Europe: Icon Depicting an Extended Deesis

. If you have any questions please contact me here. 021 Icon: Russian icon depicting an extended Deesis. First half of the 17th century 80 x 34 cm. This extended Deesis is a very rare icon indeed. Normally a Deesis is painted for an iconostasis and each saint is painted on a separate